Supporting community-based
wildlife initiatives

What we do

Imvelo Safari Lodges
Imvelo Safari Lodges
Why community-based wildlife initiatives?
While communities often live alongside wildlife, they rarely see the benefits generated by the tourism that this wildlife attracts. When given stewardship of the land they live on and the wildlife they live with, communities can directly reap benefits from their conservation efforts and ensure these are sustained. Community-owned wildlife sanctuaries and community-based enterprises can significantly improve their livelihoods.
What is the Foundation doing?
Villagers living near and with wildlife need to better engage with wildlife conservation ambitions and develop community-based initiatives, including those that protect wildlife on their own lands and within sanctuaries. Training and resources are required to facilitate this. The Foundation is supporting these efforts by helping fund initial investments into community-owned and managed wildlife conservation projects, including the Community Rhino Conservation Initiative, set up on communal lands bordering Zimbabwe's Hwange National Park. Find out more about this here
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