Reduce costs of
wildlife to communities

What are the costs of wildlife to communities?
Wild areas, especially the African bush, are home to large populations of elephants, lions, cheetahs, buffalo, giraffe...making them very attractive holiday destinations for tourists. This wildlife, however, is a big burden for locals. Unfortunately, the communities living along the borders of protected wildlife areas are suffering from elephants relentlessly raiding crops and lions and hyenas attacking their livestock. It’s an all too common occurrence and people feel that their lives, and their livelihoods, are very much at risk.

Imvelo Safari Lodges
What we do
What is the Foundation doing?
The Foundation is supporting efforts to reduce the costs of wildlife to communities by providing access to water for wildlife to ensure they stay within the boundaries of protected areas, by establishing proper fencing and by exploring innovating ways to reduce human wildlife conflicts.
A spotlight on water: The Foundation has partnered with the Water4Wildlife Trust operating in Zimbabwe's Hwange National Park to support pumping water for wildlife in the southern part of the Park. Read more about this cause here
Donate to this cause here

Imvelo Safari Lodges