Ngamo Secondary School
gets new accommodation for boarding students!

Ahead of term 2 at Ngamo Secondary School in rural western Zimbabwe, two accommodation blocks and one ablutions block were put up for students boarding at the school!
Ngamo is a small village within 5 kilometres of the Park boundary. Ngamo Secondary School was first built (just 1 classroom block) in 2010 in a partnership between local safari operator Imvelo Safari Lodges and Higher Life Foundation. It now has 2 double classroom blocks, an ablution block (washing and toilet facilities), 6 teacher cottages with ablutions and a kitchen, as well as a borehole to supply water.
Ngamo Secondary School serves several surrounding villages with the furthest students coming from Mpindo, 20 km away. The school has 5 teachers and a headmaster.There are currently 158 students from Form 1 (13 years old) to Form 4 (16 years old); 74 boys and 84 girls. There is attrition as the years progress, primarily because of distance; there is a lack of accommodation and transportation options and walking in the heat and in wildlife areas, often in the dark, is not a situation suited for schoolchildren. Because there were no other options at the school, students previously stayed at school by sleeping on the floors of teacher cottages, with teachers living on site, or by sleeping in the classroom which was far from ideal for efficient and effective learning.
The Camelthorn Foundation has prioritised providing 2 accommodation blocks, one for girls and one for boys as well as an extra ablutions block for the girls so they no longer have to share with the boys.
Koch Foundation of Canada funded the building of two separate prefabricated dormitory blocks for boys and girls attending Ngamo Secondary School. The two dormitories and an ablution block for the girls were completed in time for the commencement of the May school term. Camelthorn provided on the ground Intermediary assistance under direction from Koch Foundation of Canada.
The accommodation blocks welcomed 8 girls and 13 boys in term 2 and will be used by Form 4 students also to allow them to spend more time at school and catch up on their school work. Bunk beds and mattresses, food for the boarding students and a matron has been employed...A project with a huge impact for the local school children!